Improvement of health and Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

Exposure to risk

If you realize we spend almost 90 percent of everyday indoors, our Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) immediately becomes a relevant topic. The quality of the air we breathe is affected by air pollution and has a tremendous effect on our health. Amongst other, the World Health Organization has set up guidelines to limit the exposure of compounds and particles in the air we breathe.

Negative health effects

Air pollution can have a negative effect on our health and can increase the symptoms of asthma and allergies. Factors that affect the quality of our air can range from ventilation, temperature and humidity. Building materials used in walls and flooring play an important role here as well. People that experience negative health effects from poor IAQ can get Sick Building Syndrome, or SBS.

Reductions of compounds and particles

After the amount of people with SBS started to increase in the 1970’s, various standards have been developed that measure the concentration of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), chemicals and particles in the air. Materials with low VOC are not harmful to the environment and help reduce the emission of compounds in construction projects. Producing certified Low-VOC tapes and building materials is how we show our commitment to the improvement of health and quality of air.

About the author

Quin Dams

Market Segment Manager Building & Construction / General Industrial

Quin is passionate about technical building applications since he designed and built his family home back in 2012.
Professionally, Quin held several positions as Product Manager responsible for the product life cycle of many technical applications related to the building environment, namely in adhesives, lighting and plastics.
He joined Performance Tapes Europe as a Market Segment Manager for tape applications in the construction and industrial markets where he teams up with customers and R&D to achieve tape solutions that improve the installation of buildings and related products and processes.